Tuesday, May 08, 2007

CircuitCity Deals

At http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Prepaid-Wireless-Phones/sem/rpsm/catOid/-12830/N/20013161+20016441+20012830/rpem/ccd/categorylist.do you can get a few of Virgin Mobile's phones for cheaper than anywhere else.

The Slice is $29.99 there with free shipping (though I'm sure tax applies), beating Virgin Mobile's own site by $10 plus tax (whew, who ever thought a phone thinner than half an inch would be sold for $30 prepaid?). If there's a store nearby you can pick one up there.

The Audiovox 8610 "Vox" (yeah, the old phone) is $17. You have to pay extra for shipping though, and tax...so not a great deal (old phone anyway).

Oh, and the Kyocera Oystr is $10 (plus shipping, tax, tax on shipping) but it's not a great phone anyway.

Last but not least, the Switch_Back, as seems to be the trend, is down to $80. Nice if you need a phone with a keyboard.


Anonymous said...

does the w370 have symbols on the outside? like the text messaging symbol?

Anonymous said...

yes it has three indicators
1 calls/missed calls
2 text/voice mesages
3 battery

Anonymous said...

The Oystr is not available for shipping on the Circuit City deal if you look close.

The price of the Marbl says it's a "web only special", but you can get them almost anywhere for $20.