Thursday, April 19, 2007

T-Mobile Play Money, Meet Page Plus Dollars

Anyone remember the old T-Mobile money scheme, where airtime was added at 40 or 50 cents per minute, making texting as low as 2 cents apiece and other crazy-cheap fun?

Well, PagePlus Cellular has something similar, but let me explain...

PagePlus airtime cards actually add their alloted number of minutes to your PagePlus phone when you add them. Which then gets converted to dollar amounts at 14 cents a minute. What this means is that the new 8 cent per minute $80 refill gets you 1000 minutes and not $80 but $140 on PagePlus's books. What does this mean? Well, text messaging and the bimonthly fee (which is gone for now) are charged the cheaper per minute you get the refill (as in higher denominations) the cheaper these features are. Since the $80 refill adds $140 to your account, the 8-cent text messages (when measured against a $10, 71-minute refill), will be closer to 4.5 cents with the big airtime card...and the monthly fee would be around 30 cents.

As in, if you buy a high-dollar PagePlus refill, you not only get cheaper minutes, but also cheaper features (text messaging is the only one for now), which is pretty nice. Yet another reason to choose this carrier over the rest of the pack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to people on HoFo, T-Mobile still plays games with the minute figures. Example: If you refill with a $10 card at X (I think X equals 625, but am not sure) number of minutes remaining, you get 100, but if you wait until a lesser number A (I think 1 is an example of A, but again I am unsure) is remaining, you only get 36. I use X and A b/c I do not understand the exact formulae and therefore cannot quote exact numbers. See pertinent threads on HoFo for more information.