Saturday, July 30, 2005

Happy Camper and Tracfone Promo

I just copy-and-pasted it from a post I made on a Tracfone Yahoo Group but here it is:

To start out, I'm a pretty happy camper with Trac now. Ihave 118 units on a Nokia 1221 which runs off the best network around here and has a local number too! It took a few hours to activate (it's running off a local provider so I guess that's OK) and it's cleaning up the voicemail from the previous user of the number but I can stand that.

When I added my refer-a-friend minutes (which gave me a cool 60 extra days too) I got a promotion box saying I could add minutes or days in increments of 30 for $5.

30 minutes for $5
60 minutes for $10
90 minutes for $15
30 days for $5
60 days for $10
90 days for $15

And any combination thereof such as

60 minutes/60 days for $20 (if there weren't any promos this would be better than just buying a 40-minute card if your due date is soon)

90 minutes/90 days for $30 (not quite the 100 minute card but it lasts longer. However I don't think that the extra days would be that great since the card you just bought would already extend 60 days so better to scale back and get 90 for $25 with 60 days of service)

Has anyone else seen this promo? I don't think it's too bad actually, if you just wanted to get more minutes or more days, although the days wouldn't be too important since you just added an airtime card to get this promo. But the units are pretty cheap (16.66 cents per) so you guys might wat to take advantage of this if it comes past.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TracFone is my favorite store....I usually buy my cell phone accessories at most discounted price from this store through CouponAlbum shopping site....!